Friday, August 22, 2008

[BUGS] BUG #4371: Foreign Key constraints not working with ODBC

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference: 4371
Logged by: Zahid Khan
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.3.3
Operating system: Linux
Description: Foreign Key constraints not working with ODBC

I am unable to get the foreign key information using SQLForeignKeys() API
function of psqlODBC driver. Same driver works with PG8.2 and returns
success on SQLFetch() with SQLForeignKeys() call. But in PG8.3 i am getting
NO_DATA_FOUND on SQLFetch() call.

Please find below sample code how i am using this.

cliRC = SQLForeignKeys(hstmt, NULL, 0, tbSchema, SQL_NTS, tbName, SQL_NTS,

/* bind column 6 to variable */
cliRC = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 6, SQL_C_CHAR, (SQLPOINTER)fkTableSch.val, 129,

/* bind column 7 to variable */
cliRC = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 7, SQL_C_CHAR, (SQLPOINTER)fkTableName.val, 129,

/* bind column 8 to variable */
cliRC = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 8, SQL_C_CHAR, (SQLPOINTER)fkColumnName.val,
129, &fkColumnName.ind);

/* fetch each row and display */
WriteResultFile( "\n Fetch each row and display.\n");

/* fetch next row */
cliRC = SQLFetch(hstmt);

WriteResultFile( "\n Data not found.\n");

As a reference following are the quires which odbc driver is sending to
server for getting this information.

Query is [SELECT pt.tgargs, pt.tgnargs, pt.tgdeferrable,
pt.tginitdeferred, pp1.proname, pp2.proname, pc.oid,
pc1.oid, pc1.relname, pt.tgconstrname, pn1.nspname FROM
pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_class pc1,
pg_catalog.pg_proc pp, pg_catalog.pg_proc pp1, pg_catalog.pg_proc
pp2, pg_catalog.pg_trigger pt, pg_catalog.pg_trigger pt1,
pg_catalog.pg_trigger pt2, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pn,
pg_catalog.pg_namespace pn1 WHERE pc.relname='DEPT321'AND pn.nspname =
'public' AND pc.relnamespace = pn.oid AND pt.tgconstrrelid =
pc.oid AND pp.oid = pt.tgfoid AND pp.proname Like '%ins' AND
pt1.tgconstrname = pt.tgconstrname AND pt1.tgconstrrelid = pt.tgrelid
AND pt1.tgrelid = pc.oid AND pc1.oid = pt.tgrelid AND pp1.oid
= pt1.tgfoid AND pp1.proname like '%upd' AND (pp1.proname not
like '%check%') AND pt2.tgconstrname = pt.tgconstrname AND
pt2.tgconstrrelid = pt.tgrelid AND pt2.tgrelid = pc.oid AND
pp2.oid = pt2.tgfoid AND pp2.proname Like '%del' AND pn1.oid =
pc1.relnamespace order by pt.tgconstrname]

Query is [select ta.attname, ia.attnum, ic.relname, n.nspname, tc.relname
from pg_catalog.pg_attribute ta, pg_catalog.pg_attribute ia,
pg_catalog.pg_class tc, pg_catalog.pg_index i, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n,
pg_catalog.pg_class ic where tc.relname = 'dept321' AND n.nspname = 'public'
AND tc.oid = i.indrelid AND n.oid = tc.relnamespace AND i.indisprimary = 't'
AND ia.attrelid = i.indexrelid AND ta.attrelid = i.indrelid AND ta.attnum =
i.indkey[ia.attnum-1] AND (NOT ta.attisdropped) AND (NOT ia.attisdropped)
AND ic.oid = i.indexrelid order by ia.attnum]

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