Wednesday, July 23, 2008


> Tatsuo Ishii <> writes:
> > Reviewers, please let me know if you find problems with the
> > patches. If none, I would like to commit this weekend.
> Has this patch actually been reviewed yet? The only reports I've
> seen are from testing; nothing from anyone actually reading the
> code. I know I've not looked at it yet.

The reviewer registered at the Wiki is David Fetter and I believe he
is reading the patches. Michael Makes has contributed the ecpg
part. So apparently he is knowing the ecpg part at least.

I know the patch is huge. Reviewers, please let me know if you have
any question about the code. I would like to do anything for helping
the review.
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan

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