Thursday, July 17, 2008

Re: [HACKERS] [PATCH] "\ef " in psql

Abhijit Menon-Sen <> writes:
> Though I must say it would have been even MORE horrible to copy all this
> code into the backend to make pg_get_functiondef(), notwithstanding the
> extra utility of a generally-callable function.

FWIW, I just found myself forced to invent pg_get_function_arguments()
and pg_get_function_result(), because the TABLE function patch has
pushed the complexity of printing function argument and result types
well beyond the bounds of sanity. (Pavel had hacked up pg_dump and
ignored psql's \df ...) It wouldn't take a whole lot to convince me
that a pg_get_functiondef would be useful, although I don't foresee
either of those applications wanting to use it because of their
backward-compatibility constraints.

regards, tom lane

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