Saturday, June 28, 2008

Re: [PERFORM] Planner should use index on a LIKE 'foo%' query

On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 06:24:42PM +0200, Moritz Onken wrote:
> SELECT distinct url from item where url like 'http://www.micro%' limit
> 10;

Here, the planner knows the pattern beforehand, and can see that it's a
simple prefix.
> select *
> from result
> where exists
> (select * from item where item.url LIKE result.url || '%' limit 1)
> limit 10;

Here it cannot (what if result.url was '%foo%'?).

Try using something like (item.url >= result.url && item.url <= result.url ||
'z'), substituting an appropriately high character for 'z'.

> The only explaination is that I don't use a constant when comparing the
> values. But actually it is a constant...

It's not a constant at planning time.

Also note that you'd usually want to use IN instead of a WHERE EXISTS.

/* Steinar */

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