Saturday, June 21, 2008

[BUGS] BUG #4257: about unicode extend

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference: 4257
Logged by: arli weng
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.3
Operating system: gentoo linux
Description: about unicode extend

the command (chinese by utf-8):
INSERT INTO "title" VALUES(46307243,46307898,'酋鼠𪕨');

in sqlite text type, no problem..
in postgres report error:

invalid byte sequence for encoding "UNICODE": 0xf0

the 𪕨 char is unicode extend b,
by utf-8 format, the hex code is "f0 aa 95 a8", because unicode extend b,
must start by 0xf0

but postgres cannot support it?

server/database/client encoding has unicode already.

help me pls, because i love postgres..
and sorry my english

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