Thursday, May 29, 2008

Re: [pgsql-www] replace training blurb with upcoming pug meetings?

Hi Peter,

I imagine you're fully recovered from your race at this point! :)
Nice to meet you at PgCon.

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 3:14 AM, Peter Eisentraut <> wrote:
> Robert Treat wrote:
>> In an effort to give more visibility to the pugs, one idea that was floated
>> around was replacing the training blurb on the main site with an "upcoming
>> pugs" section, modeled after the upcoming events.
> I think this would probably be a very skewed listing. Some user groups never
> have real meetings, at least not outside of yearly events that are listed
> anyway. Others might meet weekly for pub night. There would need to be a
> fair amount of researching and policy making before such a listing could be
> produced in a fair manner.

The policy is simple: list events from groups that are having upcoming
meetings. PgDays and conferences should still be listed under Events,
rather than under PUGs.

The primary goal in presenting PUGs on the front page is to show to
outsiders how much growth there has been in user group activity. It's
an indicator that "people like me" use PostgreSQL. Listing these on
the front page is also a not-so-subtle encouragement to PUGs that we'd
like more regular meetings.

Here's a rough indication of events:

There are five groups in the US that are having monthly meetings. Last
I heard, the Moscow group was meeting monthly. Several groups have
just had their first meeting in the last two months. I think UKPUG is
the only group ambitious enough to suggest a weekly pub night, but I
would love to be proved wrong. The other groups, I will contact and
find out how frequently they meet.


Selena Deckelmann
United States PostgreSQL Association -
Me -

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